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We have a large selection of plants available for purchase.

Tropical Plants

  • Water Canna

  • Umbrella Palms

  • Tara Violet Stem

  • Dwarf Papyrus




  • Water Hyacinth

  • Water Lettuce



Hardy Water Lillies

Bog Plants

  • Floating Heart

  • Water Iris

  • Pickeral Rush

  • Water Marigolds

  • Water Mint

  • Primrose Creeper

  • Money Wart

  • Water hawthorn

  • Botswana Wonder

  • Parrots Feather

  • Hornwort

  • Ribbon Grass

  • Water Celery

  • Red Stem Sagittaria

  • Cork Screw Rush

  • Giant Arrow Head

  • Bacopa

  • Spider Lillies

  • Red Water Hibiscus

  • Bog Lilly

  • Cardinal Plant

  • Fairy Lilly

  • Lizard Tail

  • Low Bulrush​ 


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